Saturday, October 4, 2008

For reals

I thought I would take a break from all the fun, and do a normal post. If this is an online diary, I guess sometimes I should tell about what's going on in my life. Not much is going on though. I have been being pretty domesticated. I took a picture to prove it.

Try not to show your husbands this, cuz I'm pretty sure they will covet me. You will count 17 jars of salsa, but we had already eaten about 4. And I had 3 in the fridge that I never sealed. And there are still more tomatoes to be picked. Maybe the sister wives can help me with those.

Seriously, not much else is going on. But, I needed to post so I could get mom's picture to not be the first thing people see on my blog. I am a little nervous to talk to her in person. Fortunately for her, she looks great in a moo moo and boa, while posing in a "woa is me" way, on her bed post.


Elder Jack Anderson said...

I'll take two. You can bring them to Seattle so I can save on the shipping.

I didn't know you were so domestic! I've never canned a single thing in my entire life. Srsly.

Anna B said...

You canned what???? Really????

E said...

Now you'll be safe when that tornado hits, followed by the earthquake and the forest fire and flash flood.

PS. I want some salsa too.

ShelBailey said...

I was feeling so domestic when I did my 7 jars of salsa and 6 jars of pickled jalapenos yesterday.

But, you win the Molly Mormon prize this week.

You should email me your salsa recipe, though. I just picked a random one that sounded good, we haven't tested it yet.

Memzy said...

Homemade salsa is the BEST. But I don't make it I just eat Aunt Visor's. She makes homemade beans and chili verde too. You gize should come visit and we will have a fiesta!!

ps. I'll take only one jar--onacuzza Aunt Visor's skillz and all.

ManicMandee said...

Yeah, you just made me look like a bad wife. I don't like Mexican food or Salsa and have only made salsa twice since we've been married. (over 10 years now.)

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Hey, why'd you get rid of your full name?

anissa ferguson said...

I am so impressed......would you like Think of the possibilities. I could certainly work out a trade.

anissa ferguson said...

what I was trying to say was would you like to be a guest author on Anissa's Kitchen? It will make you popular with the other sister's. The ones in your ward.

Hazel said...

With all those tomatoes to spare, I am confused why I am tomatoless. It is in the mail, right?