Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am just here to help

I decided I needed to do another installment of parenting tips. I know you gize are all struggling out there with out me helping. I got quite a few good ones this week.
#1 It is not a big deal if your kids are sitting on the curb waiting for you to pick them up after school. It teaches them patience. I remember waiting many a afternoon at the orthodontist when I was a kid. And look at me, I'm totally fine! It is especially ok, if you had good reason. Like trying to win a blog contest. Which I did, so it's fine.
#2 A great way to promise your kids things you don't actually plan on getting for them is to say, "You bet! As soon as we win the lottery." For example, we are getting a new dog, as soon as we win the lottery. Easy enough, yes? Your kids will be so happy, and sometimes even check the winning numbers for you, to see if you won. You only need to ever buy one ticket, then just keep showing them that same ticket to check for numbers. The odds of this backfiring on you are like 1 in 200,000,000 so I would go for it.
#3 It is perfectly acceptable to tell the neighbor kids they are grounded from your house. Sometimes, it can work as a deterrent for future visits after the grounding wears off.
#4 Bisquick can be used in just about every meal, and I am going to prove it starting tonight!


eekareek said...

Another great way to teach kids patience is to put them on the potty and tell them to stay there. Then just go put on a t.v. show and put them to the back of your mind. It truly is 'set it and forget it.'

Memzy said...

I love the set it and forget.

Or you could put your 4 year old in time out and then forget he is there minutes.

ManicMandee said...

I really think I am going to start using the lottery ticket idea. Very smart!

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Blogs trump parenting--always. The lottery one is brilliant... how could it possibly backfire? If you do win, then you have a brazillion dollhairs. You could pay someone to take care of the dog then!

Plz share some Bisquick reseepays ASAP.

Markie23 said...

What did you win in the blog contest?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Kathy said...

You should write a book, seriously!

Vegas Family said...

I think I see a future Oprah guest speaker in the works. You will be answering the prayers of mommies across America.
Great advice, by the way.

How do you get a kid to eat the yucky no sugar cereal that's been in the pantry for 3 months? Any secrets?

Anna B said...

Will you include your recipies with the Bisquik on your next "Parenting Post." I need some more meal time ideas. I will also say it's okay to tell your kids friends that they are "Going to pay me back for that."

Memzy said...

Oooh, I like that one.^^

How about telling the neighbor kids, "I know you stole those luncheables out of my garage fridge because you are sneaky and lie all the time."


Mary said...

I have nothing of interest to post, but don't want you to throw away anymore bucks on therapy, so I'm just here to acknowledge your post.

Hot Pants said...

Thanks mom, I'm calling right now to cancel my session!

E said...

You put the rest of us to shame. I believe I helped you win the blog contest so you better share some of your lotto winnings with me, and your lotion or whatever it is you get.

Anonymous said...

I will be curious as to how you were able to utilize bizquick this evening? My interest is truly peaked!

Emily said...

Bisquick makes nasty pancakes. I would love to hear what tasty thing you can create out of it.

Keep the parenting tips coming!