Sunday, September 28, 2008

If Charlie is Jared, Then here is Melanie

This girl would go perfect with who I have picked to play Jared.


Anonymous said...


Hot Pants said...

What do you mean vain? I just said I want to play Melanie if Charlie plays Jared. I didn't say I was hot enough to do it. I never pictured Melanie as hot anyway, so I guess I am hot enough to do it.

E said...

you are too hot to play Melanie. I guess that means I'll do it.

Cristin said...

I totally see it

Anna B said...

I'm lovin' the story now, thanks!

Markie23 said...

I was picturing me as Jared and Keira Knightley as Mel.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

That is exactly who I was picturing too.... what has she been in?? Lemme think.... oh yeah, she was in "Punked" when her skirt zipper was down at church and no one told her. Aaaand she was on "Intervention" when she had to be weened off her Sirus radio. Didn't work though.

Samantha said...

Man am I glad I waited to finish the book. Now I have an awesome cast of characters to picture in my mind.

Memzy said...

So when does the movie come out anyway? I want to order my tickets on Fandago.

E said...

love your new header picture.

ManicMandee said...

I actually agree with you! You'd be a great Melanie.

lovedkat said...

i guess now i can read it now that i have a such a hot character to picture while i read.....this is about a book right?

Mary said...

Love the new picture of the kids. How do I get a copy? Don't know Mel, don't want to, but am sure you're hot enough!

Anonymous said...

she isn't too far off of what I pictured for melanie.

Hazel said...

Ummmmm. That is a nice piece of unzipped skirt right there. She looks like the kind of girl that would have fresh tomatoes.

Hot Pants said...

I was meaning Charlie Salinger BTW, from Party of Five. Cuz this isn't Charlie from Lost.